HHFB’s Garden & Gleaning programs provide locally-grown fresh fruits and vegetables for free distribution to those in need of emergency food assistance. Volunteers and community supporters are the most important asset our programs have; the more volunteers we have, the more fresh food we can raise and rescue.

No gardening experience is necessary. We also welcome school, church and other community groups. Volunteers are needed most during the main growing season. However, volunteers can schedule winter shifts to learn about and help with garden planning and program development. Join us any time during regular garden volunteer hours:

  • 2025 hours TBD, starting in May

To schedule, please call Cory at (812) 334-8374

or email garden@hhfoodbank.org.

To inquire about gardening opportunities, weather cancellations, or to schedule a visit with your group, please contact our Garden Coordinator Cory at garden@hhfoodbank.org or (812) 334-8374.

Mailing List

Subscribe to our low-traffic email list to receive information on HHFB Garden & Gleaning volunteer opportunities and updates.

Mailing List

Subscribe to our low-traffic email list to receive information on HHFB Garden & Gleaning volunteer opportunities and updates. To do so, send an email to garden@hhfoodbank.org with subject line "Subscribe G&G e-mail list."

Wish List

In addition to donating your time as a volunteer, HHFB Garden & Gleaning Programs can use your support in obtaining other things we need. Our current needs are compiled in this Amazon wish list.

Wish List

In addition to donating your time as a volunteer, HHFB Garden & Gleaning Programs can use your support in obtaining other things we need. Our current needs are compiled in this Amazon wish list. Note: We in no way endorse any of these sellers, nor are we guaranteeing that these are the best prices, this Amazon list is simply an efficient way to share information about the products we could really use. Many of these items may even be available from a local retailer.
Amazon Wish List

Check out this Garden and Gleaning video, generously made by Max, Frankie, and Jennifer Vickers during our 2012 season.

Driving Directions

The HHFB Garden is located just west of Bloomington at 4140 W. Vernal Pike.